Qualified MBACP Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Last updated on [17/08/2023].
Data collection:
Any personal detail collected, submitted via contact forms and client details, are stored within a password protected folder once received. These do not get shared to third party members.
Data Storage:
Personal data is stored (in a password protected folder) for a maximum of 5 years, after the closing of our therapeutic relationship. This is solely for my own purposes of progression to be able to formulate case studies when necessary. After the 5 years, personal data will be appropriately destroyed.
Anything discussed within sessions are kept completely confidential unless there's any immediate risk of harm to yourself or others. If there is a safeguarding issue I must break confidentiality and take it further with my external supervisor. Any case notes I make your identity will be anonymised with a client coded system and these will be stored in separate password protected folders corresponding to your assigned client code.